Brief Description
Zaragoza City Council is the public, democratic and constitutional institution of the City that promotes its improvement and stands close to the citizens. The Council manages the environment of the city and, through different actions, aims to improve its quality. Since 1998, when Horizon Strategic Plan 1998-2010 was approved and more recently through the Strategic Framework 2020, Zaragoza has adopted a far-sighted approach in its policies.
Moreover, Zaragoza is member of numerous European Initiatives, it signed the Covenant of Mayors in 2011 and in 2012 was approved its Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP). It is also one of the 20 signatories cities of the Green Digital Charter and is a full member in EUROCITIES initiative. Moreover, Zaragoza is part of non-demonstrator cities in Civitas and member of “International Council for Local Environmental Initiative” (ICLEI).
Zaragoza has more than 20 years of strategic planning experience that develops through Ebrópolis, an association led by Zaragoza City Council and whose founding partners are also the Government of Aragon, the Diputación de Zaragoza, companies, neighbourhood, financial entities and the University of Zaragoza. This experience has resulted in the definition and implementation of three strategies so far. Besides, the process of definition and work for a fourth strategic pact is proposed currently.
In order to define the “Zaragoza +2020 strategy”, four main areas have been operationally articulated:
- Achieve a shared vision for the future.
- Focus and prioritize areas of action.
- Identify the lines of work and projects according to the opportunities offered by Zaragoza and its surroundings.
- Mobilise experts, social agents and citizens and commit them to the future of the city.
To do so, the approach of this strategy is to draw a new model od city based in the following characteristics:• Compact, polycentric and multifunctional city.
- A city of and for people: inclusion, equity, social cohesion, participation and citizen empowerment.
- Creation of quality employment, economic diversification. Promotion of the circular economy and reindustrialization.
- The fight against climate change as a priority: energy, zero emissions, rehabilitation and green economy.
- Technological and social innovation that enables intelligent, critical citizenship and a knowledge-based economy.
- Multilevel and concurrent governance with intersectoral and inter-administrative public policies.
Under this project, the actions are going to be carried out by the Urban Mobility Department of Zaragoza City Council as responsible for managing the urban mobility plan whose main requirements are:
- Promote and encourage less-polluting vehicles.
- Foster the use of clean and renewable energy
- Apply new technologies in Mobility Management
These actions are very aligned with the vision built upon the vertical plans in Energy and Sustainability, Culture, Mobility and ICT, and well aligned with Horizon 2020 program.
Main tasks and responsibilities within the project
The Municipality of Zaragoza will participate in mainly in WP7, providing the required permission and supervising the civil works during the demonstration phase for the low-power directional DC charging (UC6) and the installation of the wireless charging system in the “Zaragoza Delicias” train station (UC7). In addition, they will ve involve in WP2 in order to gather insights about the mobility patterns in Saragossa and to support the users and stakeholder engagement