Brief Description
IDNEO Technologies was founded in 2010 as a result of the acquisition of the Sony facilities, to create a company focused on offering engineering services to the FICOSA group itself, as well as to third parties.
IDNEO is a product development engineering company specializing in the design, development and manufacture of high added value products, highlighting in its proposal: Value chain: from concept to manufacturing (short and long series). Technological excellence (Hardware / Electronics, Software and mechanical design, product validation and certification). Quality and robustness in the developments. Designs oriented to cost. Approach of design for manufacturing. Global service From IDNEO and with the aim of consolidating the collaboration, they work daily to offer their clients the best result and power, to fulfill their expectations. The sectors in which IDNEO works are: Electromedicine -Medical Devices (electrocardiographs, diabetic devices, IVD systems, laboratory instruments …), Automotive (rear-view mirrors, control commands, under-the-hood systems and for seats. ), Consumer Electronics (solutions for printers, household appliances, digital television, remote monitoring system, …) and Industrial (solutions for water management, energy sector, machinery, industrial processes, remote control of systems, sensors, antennas. ..), and Intelligent Solutions – Smart Cities (Internet of Things).
IDNEO reached a turnover of €33M in 2018 compared to €27.5M in 2017 and also € 22.9M in 2016 considering only the engineering business (the most significant) and has a workforce in 2018 of more than 340 employees. IDNEO has a large number of highly qualified human and material resources that support its participation in R&D projects. IDNEO currently has 100% of its sales committed for 2019, which amount to more than €43.5M.
Main tasks and responsibilities within the project
IDNEO will be involved in UC6 (WP7, and particularly in Task 7.4), performing the following tasks
- Design of a DC / DC converter for voltage adaptation in electric bicycle loaders
- Development & design of Theft-proof parking systems for two-wheelers
- Integration of electronics – mechanics in the bicycle parking system
- Development & design of enclosure for EV chargers
- Integration of electronics – mechanics in the charging system of electric vehicles
- Operation and monitoring of the demo-site