Brief Description
ENEDIS (formerly Electricité Réseau Distribution de France is a 100% owned subsidiary of EDF (Electricité de France) since 1st January 2008. ENEDIS assumes electricity distribution activities of 95% of French communes. It’s currently conducting an active investment policy to meet growing electric consumption (+9.6% investment each year).
Public services duties
Enedis manages 95% of the electricity distribution network in continental France. This network belongs to local authorities (French municipalities or groups of municipalities), who subcontract to Enedis as an operator through a public service delegation. Enedis thus has 2 major public service duties.
• Service continuity and quality: managing nearly 1.4 million km of electric lines, Enedis is responsible for continuous public electricity service. To fulfil this role, the company operates, maintains and develops the network. Enedis also invests in modernising and securing the network, particularly against extreme weather conditions.
• Non-discriminatory access to the distribution network: in compliance with regulations, Enedis ensures that users have transparent, objective and non-discriminatory access to the network. The company also guarantees the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information handled, having developed a code of conduct for this specific purpose. Adherence to this code is examined in an annual report submitted to the Commission de Régulation de l’Energie, France’s regulatory authority on energy.
Enedis, in the heart of the open electricity
Enedis contributes to the smooth operation of the electricity market by pursuing a twofold objective of quality and neutrality.
• The quality of Enedis’s electricity supply is among the highest in Europe. To preserve this level of service, Enedis maintains and develops the network. The company also innovates to meet the needs of customers, electricity producers and electricity suppliers, particularly in the areas of information systems and metering.
• Enedis contributes to the smooth operation of the open electricity market by guaranteeing non-discrimination against other parties in the network.
2017 key figures:
• 36 million customers
• 38 700 employees
• €14 billion in revenue
• 1.4 million km of electrical network managed
Main tasks and responsibilities within the project
ENEDIS will be involve in both use cases in Paris (UC2 and UC3), in order to enable and support the grid integration works of the DWPT, as well as supervising the impact on the grid during the operation of the systems. ENEDIS will also participate in WP4, in order to define the grid requirements for the integration of the systems and the the grid services enabled by the grid infrastructure.