Brief Description

ELES is today one of the leading Transmission system operators in Europe in terms of E-mobility integration into the Interconnected European Power System. The main ELES achievement in this field is the E8 Concept, which in the Power industry addresses one of the most crucial sustainable e-mobility integration challenges, namely remotely controlled smart charging focused on behavioural and technical aspects. ELES believes that e-mobility and power system infrastructure developments should be aligned and worked out in a holistical manner, which will be the main challenge addressed also in this project proposal.
ELES is an integral part of the Slovenian electrical power industry. The company’s headquarters are located in Hajdrihova 2, 1000 Ljubljana, and other 14 business units are located all across Slovenia. As the system operator of the Slovenia’s transmission network, ELES preserves the balance between generated and consumed power, 24 hours per day, year in, year out. Ensuring that electricity is continually on hand to all is an onerous task, which the company performs admirably. Established and owned by the state and upholding the standards of a contemporarily organized enterprise, ELES, with its 530 employees and state-of-the-art technology, stands side by-side with Europe’s most advanced transmission system operators. ELES endeavours to plan, construct and maintain Slovenia’s transmission network strategically, responsibly and sustainably. By managing the entire Slovenian Transmission network, ELES ensures the safe, reliable and continuous transmission of electrical power.

Main tasks and responsibilities within the project

ELES will coordinate the Power System experts and represent the bridge to the emobility infrastructure development. This is part of the WP6, which develops the Decision Support System. Because of a strong link between the user behaviour and optimal infrastructure development, ELES will also support and monitor developments within the WP2.